CFRP Cylinders Ensure Fast Construction Progress
The city of Surrey in southwestern Canada recently completed the construction of a modern swimming facility: The Grandview Heights Aquatic Centre. DYWIDAG supplied and installed the post-tensioning systems.

The new aquatic facility includes a 50m pool with 10 lanes suitable for competition. In addition, the swimming center accommodates a leisure pool, a waterslide, a dive tower, a wellness area and a large weight exercise room. The center is a very modern open space with large windows all around providing unobstructed views of the mountains. Due to its environmentally-friendly and sustainable design, the building received LEED Silver Certification.
The undulated roof structure consisting of glulam is supported by inclined post-tensioned concrete buttresses. 6 vertical tendons are located in each of the inclined but nearly vertical buttresses on both ends of the building.
In the eastern buttresses, a total of 42 46mm Ø DYWIDAG Bar Tendons with a total weight of 10.1t were used. The western buttresses were post-tensioned using 42 66mm Ø DYWIDAG Bar Tendons with a total weight of 29.9t.
The installation of the tendons supplied by DYWIDAG required a high degree of accuracy in order to ensure both the correct concrete cover and to fit the additional reinforcing steel. Furthermore, the inclines of the buttresses complicated tendon installation.
After the first section of the roof had been poured, the tendons were stressed. Stressing was carried out using a Portable Hollow-Piston CFRP Cylinder. The use of this stressing ram ensured that the post-tensioning could be completed safely. Due to its light weight, the jack could be easily transported by the assembly technicians at all times.
Once all tendons had been duly installed and approved, they were grouted, taking precautions to ensure no voids were located in the top of the tendon sheaths.
Thanks to the use of the light weight and portable CFRP Jack, work for this complicated project was completed efficiently and ahead of schedule.