Blast-Protection for Stay Cables
Fullfills AASHTO bridge security guidelines.
- Stay Cables
- Extradosed Cables
- Hangers
To protect new and existing cable-supported bridges from multiple threat scenarios, our engineers can design, test, deliver, install or retrofit cable hardening systems. We can apply cable hardening to all cable sizes as specified by the asset owner—or by following AASTHO bridge security guidelines.
DYWIDAG´s cable hardening system has been developed to protect the stay cables effectively against multiple threat scenarios for all stay cable sizes.
Any kind of mitigation level in terms of specific customized threat scenarios and the required strength of the protection system can be taken into consideration. Highly effective protection material can be easily adjusted to requirements and threats.
Provides reliable protection against various threats
Can be adjusted to any kind of bridge construction layout within anchorage and transition zones
Incorporates adjacent functional cable units like dampers either internally or externally
Allows easy inspection and maintenance of the protection system itself but also the stay cable system in general
The two-part system allows installation on existing cables as retrofit solution

Numerical simulations and physical testing have been carried out